What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a natural, non-invasive form of health care that uses gentle adjustments to joints in the body.  The spine is the center of your nervous system and no part of the body is unaffected by the nervous system.  Slight misalignments, called Subluxations, can have far reaching effects on every part of the body.  Even without the presence of pain, there can be poor communication between the brain and tissues.  Through the use of chiropractic manipulation, we resolve these communication issues and allow your body to perform at it's best, triggering your innate ability to heal yourself.

Who can Benefit from Chiropractic?

If you have a spine, then chiropractic is for you!  We treat babies that are days old and people who are 100 years old.  Chiropractic care is effective on chronic and acute pain, sciatica, whiplash and headaches, to name a few.  We treat each patient as a whole, individual person and not just the sum of their symptoms. 

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